Captin's dinner on the crusie!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

So much can change in 7 weeks...

Hello friends,
It's been a while...So much to fill you in on. A few weeks after my last post, we were getting ready for our cruise and low and behold...Positive Pregnancy test! Remember what I wrote almost the last couple sentences of my last post? God hear our prayers! What a blessing! His timing is perfect! Brandon and I could not be more excited to finally join a lot of you friends in the joys, struggles, and exhaustion of being parents. One week before we set sail on our 7 day adventure, the news of this just made it even more of a beautiful time together. And what fun we had on this cruise! The water in the Caribbean could not have been more turquoise! I got to Zip line through the jungle of Rotan, swim with sting rays in Grand Cayman, see the sights of Cozumel and Belize. Highly recommend cruising.
After we returned and I must say, NO sickness on the rocky ship, but it certainly showed it's ugly head Monday! Whoa, not fun. It's gotten so much better but still comes and goes slightly. The hunger has set in! It's hard to find the perfect thing to curb my appetite! Kind of annoying, but not complaing. So, we have been trying to wrap our heads around this new life change that is the deployment and now bringing a 3rd life into this Collin's home in January. Brandon is so wonderful to do as much to not let me have to stress about things around the house while he is gone. Meaning, I don't have to do the yard work! Just water the yard/plants. Thanks babe! Then on Monday the 23rd, he boared a P-3 and took off for the desert. 6 months started. I know I can handle it. Thank God for Skype (when the Internet works there) But now the lovely emotions of me being pregnant thows another dimension to this experience. A lot of people said, you guys planned this pregnancy perfectly. I think most of the guys (with kids) meant he won't have to deal with me and my emotions and all! But it is good timing, he will be here for the birth (God willing) and the first year. Brandon is kind of bummed he is going to miss all the firsts...first ultrasound, heart beat, see me get bigger, be there when we find the sex of the baby and see/feel the alien moving in my get it. I will nicely, but firmly ask for videos to show/send him!
Over all, we are just so blessed. I cannot contain how God is all knowing and knew this was the anointed time for this to finally happen to us! (we have NOT been preventing this for over 2 years) I am just to honored that the Lord would allow us to bring a life in this world and raise it! Many prayers would be so appreciated for not only me but for Brandon as well. He needs it. All I can say is
"...The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." James 5:16 To God be the Glory!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Pre- Deployment

Hello fellow bloggers. It's been a while and yet it's now closer to my first military deployment. I have to say that I am an ignorance is bliss kind of gal. Weird...maybe, but I am known for being so overly emotional, it must be a way for my mind to deal with it. But we had our first pre-deployment meeting and now it's staring to hit me. All the emotions but I am trying to be cool for my husband. He wants me to be strong and I SO WANT to be the same! I can handle this but it is going to rock my boat a bit. Bob Marley song there...ha ha!
But amongts the wondering what to do or buy for my man who's going to be playing in the sand for 6 months, we are going on our FIRST CRUISE! Now, this may not be a big deal to you...but I have been trying so hard to talk B into going on a cruise for 7 years with no avail. And of course, he makes a new friend at the squadron, who happen to be seasoned cruisers, and now...we are going on a trip with this couple and another couple that are in the squadron! Thankyou Greg! ;-0 I AM SUPER Excited! WE leave out of Miami, never been there, go to Cozemel, Mexico, then Beliz, then Rotan (both in South America!) then lastly Grand CAymon Island! That's right folks...7 days!! Did I say how excited I am???? So I am focusing on that!!
You know, I know I am going to be fine. It's just the unknown that is uneasy. I have ventured into the home business market and I LOVE IT. I am being blessed with my sales too. SCENTSY is where it's at people...side plug (website Wickless and flamless. Ok, I will stop it! But I love them. FYI. So, I am praying about another hookup from the hubby, his highschool choir director. He spoke to her about me and my voice lessons. I am charging a resonable price and she wants me to put a flyer up in her choir room and she knows a few that would jump on! I have 3 part-time jobs and I need to give one up and I know what I want it to be, but I want to do it the right way and in the right if anyone feels so inclined to pray with me on this. As well as one more thing...I know, I know, shut up already. But I have a lot on my mind...we want to start a family. We know that time is running out for this year, but it's somthing that has been weighing heavy on my heart. This desire to be a mother to a child which would be a mix of Brandon and myself...I got to see this creation! God knows what all the mechanics are, but it's somthing that I don't want to make me sad or depressed. Just pray folks, if you so feel inclined. Psalm 37:4 "Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart." God is good and His timing is perfect.
THanks for reading from my heart! Just Jen learing how to be a great Navy wife!
Over and out...
Till next time!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Time for growing

It's been a while folks. We bought and moved into our second house that we actually own! We love it and the dogs a super happy. Funny thing about us getting out of the previous, inexpencive but TINY place, it's been better for Brandon and our marriage. Strange? Not for this quirky family. We love our space...not a 850sqr ft newleywed place. I guess after 7.5 years, it's to be expected! Non the less we are so greatful that God helped us get such a wonderful home with the wonderful price tag to match! This is a great benifit to us because of the VA loans for us military! We have been busy painting and just finished up the wood-work in the dining room. Brandon is so tallented and handy to have around! I used to get annoyed with all the power tools, but NOW I can see why he has do things like this!

Now on to what's going on with me. I am working part time at the bank, I have 3 vocal students with more on the way, and I started this Scentsy business...I am tired but excited to see God moving in my life! I have wanted to work for myself for as long as I can remember. I have taken piano and voice from women who had their own businesses and I liked that. So that longing that was placed in my heart to teach kids/young adults private lessons (beg. piano and voice) has always been there but NOW I feel as if God is showing me that it is time to step out of the comfort of a steady paycheck and HE is bringing me students by word of mouth. I feel God bringing me through the things we went through last year has all led to this moment in time. Brandon has been more supportive than ever. That's new, not that he wasn't supportive but now he tells people about my Scentsy and private lessons and has given out my cards! He's so sweet. The waiting was the hard part of all of this. The military has been such a blessing for us...strange to hear as well as type it but it's true. I see God using all of this for our good and His glory!

Brandon just got promoted as well and well that's another blessing! It just reminds me of Romans 8:28 "all things work together for good for those who love God." Even military life. I believe this whole heartedly even with a 6 month deployment just around the corner from us! (He leaves in mid-May) God is so good and faithful and just wanted to share.